There is more to a memorable trip than just a great hotel, which is why we are excited to announce that we’ve expanded TripExpert to cover restaurants and tourist attractions.
Our goal is to provide you with the best possible travel decision-making tools, and these new features will make any trip better. By aggregating reviews from the best professional critics, curating the reviews by hand (we have real people read every review), and passing them through our patent-pending algorithm, we provide accurate, reliable appraisals that you can trust. TripExpert is now the easiest way to find a great restaurant or something to do in your hometown or in major destinations around the world.
Restaurant and attraction reviews will initially be available for 50 cities, with an additional 150 cities to follow by the end of 2015. The professionally-penned reviews are sourced from the Michelin Guide, Zagat, USA Today, Bon Appétit, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Los Angeles Times, The Denver Post, Travel + Leisure, The Evening Standard, The Independent, and numerous other outlets.
To get a taste of TripExpert’s new offerings, view reviews for London’s St. John, Musée du Louvre in Paris, and New York City’s Central Park.
We started TripExpert because the review sites that you are probably familiar with using, such as Yelp and TripAdvisor, are unreliable; crowdsourced reviews are full of hidden biases and agendas, and many are fake.
Why are the expert reviews we use to calculate the TripExpert Score more reliable? They’re verified: you know the author’s name and history. They’re less biased: the author’s professional reputation is at stake each and every time they review something. And experts also have more points of comparison: professional critics review hundreds, if not thousands, of venues, which allows them to recommend the best places and provide savvy advice that a regular traveler can’t.
With the launch of TripExpert’s restaurant and attraction reviews, you can be assured of finding the best for any trip you take, whether across the world or across town.